Jay White returns, and KENTA and Finlay go to war on STRONG!


#njpwSTRONG #njcUSA Sign up to https://ift.tt/2iPXNqN for all the action of New Japan Cup USA in full! An eight man single elimination tournament contested over three weeks on NJPW STRONG, the winner will be granted a future opportunity to challenge for the IWGP US Heavyweight Championship! #njpw #njpwworld #njpwSTRONG #njcupUSA 【Ep03】 - KENTA vs David Finlay - New Japan Cup USA Finals - Jay White & Chase Owens vs Flip Gordon & Brody King - Rocky Romero & Adrian Quest vs Danny Limelight & The DKC NJPW STRONG presents the best hour of pure professional wrestling anywhere every Friday night at 10e/9c/7p! NJPW of America (NJoA) が新たにお届けする米国発ウィークリー新番組『NJPW STRONG』配信開始! 第一弾は選ばれし8選手による米国初開催のNew Japan Cup USA!激闘を制すのは一体誰か⁈ 優勝者にはIWGP USヘビー級王座への挑戦権!第三話ではいよいよ決勝戦、そして"Switchblade" Jay Whiteが久々の新日マットに登場!乞うご期待‼︎ 新日本プロレスワールドで毎週土曜日新エピソード公開! 今すぐ登録視聴▶︎ https://njpwworld.com You can enjoy the matches on NJPW World! Sign up Now▶ https://goo.gl/4zPwL5 Exclusive News on NJPW events, wrestlers & more! Follow us on NJPW official SNS feeds! HP - https://ift.tt/2mBhDpW FACEBOOK - https://ift.tt/2FDmW5U TWITTER - https://twitter.com/njpwglobal INSTAGRAM - https://ift.tt/2EOYn1K
